• Token Name

  • Token Code
  • Company Jurisdiction
  • Sale Amount
  • Nº Tokens Issued
  • Token Sale Amount
  • Rights of each Token
  • STO+ Price (Securitised Token Offering+ ) + refers to Company being listed on a regulated platform
  • Project Jurisdiction
  • Industry Type
  • Company Valuation
  • Target Valuation
  • Target Token buy back Price
  • Target Buy Back Date
  • GCC Platform Tokens Accepted?
  • How much Platform Tokens Accepted?
  • This Project is part of the Global Partner Program?
  • GCC Global Resources 1 Limited

  • GR-01-01-00
  • British Virgin Islands (BVI)
  • 10,000,000
  • 10,000,000
  • US$ 2,000,000
  • Each token has the equitable rights of one (1) share of the Company. (No voting rights)
  • US$ 15
  • Global
  • Resources (Incl. Oil & Gas)
  • US$ 150,000,000
  • US$ 7,500,000,000
  • US$ 750
  • 3 years ( March 2022 )
  • Yes
  • US$ 500,000
  • Yes

1. Token Description

GR-01-00-00 (GCC Global Resources Limited)

GCC Global Resources Limited (www.gccglobalresources.com) has access to a revolutionary Satellite Mapping technology, that can produce an accurate 3D diagram of various resources types including Water, Metals, Minerals and Energy (Oil & Gas).

This Company owns 10 Resource Projects;
GCC GR1 Investments 1 Limited
GCC GR1 Investments 2 Limited
GCC GR1 Investments 3 Limited
GCC GR1 Investments 4 Limited
GCC GR1 Investments 5 Limited
GCC GR1 Investments 6 Limited
GCC GR1 Investments 7 Limited
GCC GR1 Investments 8 Limited
GCC GR1 Investments 9 Limited
GCC GR1 Investments 10 Limited

The resources industry has always counted as one of the top global sectors for profitable investment opportunities and through tokenisation, the market and opportunities in this industry has become more accessible to businesses and individuals.

As an account holder with Global Consortium Corporation, we can now offer you the chance to buy into all the projects owned by GCC Global Resources Limited, prior to securing any mineral or oil exploration licenses, with tokens on sale at US$ 15.00, currently valuing the company at US$ 150,000,000.

As an account holder with Global Consortium Corporation, we can now offer you the chance to buy into all the projects owned by GCC Global Resources Limited, prior to securing any mineral or oil exploration licenses, with tokens on sale at US$ 15.00, currently valuing the company at US$ 150,000,000.

Each token has the equitable interest of one share of the company - with no voting rights.

With Global Consortium Corporation (GCC) set to become a world leader in blockchain trading platforms, the GCC Global Resources Limited TOKEN 110 offers incredible trading possibilities. If you would like to support GCC and be involved in the promotion of the various world wide locations (where GCC is using this disruptive “satellite mapping technology” ) as a place to invest then TOKEN 110 could be your vehicle.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an aspiring business, now is the time to embrace the advantages of crypto token trading.

2. Token Documentation

Company Documents

1. Certificate of Incorporation
2. Articles of Association
3. Shareholder’s Register
4. Director’s Register
5. Shareholder Agreement
6. Corporate structure

3. Business Plan

4. Contracts between Parties

5. Correspondence

6. Risks

7. Terms & Privacy Policy